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2018年工程专业留学文书范文 从小就无可救药爱着发动机(附QS2017年工程专业TOP25院校)

日期:2025-02-15 08:34:30 / 人气:73

2018年01月05日18:08 来源:小站整理作者:小站留学编辑
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2018年工程专业留学文书范文 从小就无可救药爱着发动机(附QS2017年工程专业TOP25院校)图1


2018年工程专业留学文书范文 从小就无可救药爱着发动机(附QS2017年工程专业TOP25院校)图2

Growing up, there was one focus that utterly fascinated my young self; automobiles. As a child, it was the more simplistic features of these engineering phenomena, such as exterior design, sheer speed and the roar of the engine that enchanted me so greatly. As much as those factors to this day still captivate me, as I became older and more mature, my knowledge of this subject area enhanced significantly. Before I had even driven a car, I had a solid comprehension of how the heart of the machine, the engine, functioned. Once I had educated myself about this component, I continued my studies and furthered my research into other intricate mechanisms such as the transmission and differential systems. Ultimately, understanding how all of these elements cooperate in harmony, as one body, is what I find most intriguing.

点评:开篇出现工程专业关键词 “automobiles”,在我的幼年时代,只有一个彻底迷住我的焦点——发动机,干净利落。整段都是围绕对汽车发动机的着迷展开,在我学会驾驶汽车前,我就对这一机器的心脏如何运行有了充分的了解,这个切入点可以说非常地抓眼球了。

previously, having no access to motor vehicles, I compromised with contraptions such as bicycles and skateboards. Repairing these became a hobby and I was the person that my friends came to if they had an issue that required mending. Although these apparatuses are more straightforward in design than automobiles, hopefully, higher education will allow me to develop and progress, eventually resulting in a career within the field which I am so passionate about. I have profoundly enjoyed studying mathematics and physics at A-level; my preferred topic in both subjects has been mechanics. However, in GCSE physics, the topic that I enjoyed most was hydraulics. Mathematics has allowed me to further enhance and practice my problem solving abilities whilst physics has enriched both my practical application and theoretical understanding, involving many crucial concepts to engineering.


I hope a degree from your University will allow me to transfer key abilities from a place of study into, eventually, a place in industry. After much extended research, my admiration for the engineering innovator, Karl Benz, has been truly established. Commonly regarded as the originator of the first automobile powered by an internal combustion engine, his contributions to the vast domain that is engineering are simply colossal. One creation of his that captivated my mind tremendously was the ‘Blitzen Benz’; a vehicle fabricated solely for the purpose of speed. Assembled in 1909, this automobile boasted a 21.5L engine that produced 200 horsepower. At a time when the iconic Ford Model T was only generating around 22 horsepower, the pure muscle and craftsmanship that had been put into the Blitzen was enough to achieve a record breaking land speed of 141.94 mph; “faster than any plane, train, or automobile” at the time.

点评:这一段提到了申请目标院校的初衷:将所学转化到具体运用中。在这一段中,申请者提到了工程发明专家Karl Benz对其的影响。申请工程专业的留学生也可以仿照该文作者的做法,谈谈对自己产生影响的知名工程学家,这在个人陈述中是非常好的素材。

Understandably, I am mindful that the finest engineers must possess a resilient skill-set, which should include the ability to thrive in both collaborative and solo tasks, flourish under pressure and blossom in positions requiring a leadership mentality. Hopefully, a place on this course will allow me to reinforce and augment my previously developed skills whilst allowing me to simultaneously acquire many more essentials abilities that will prove beneficial in later life. I believe that my current accumulation of skills have been gained through my experience in the workplace. Currently, I am employed at The Commercial Hotel and Bar where I am confident that I have improved my ability to communicate with both team members and customers. In summary, I genuinely believe there is enormous room for change in current engineering. The immense amount of finite resources that are being consumed on a daily basis is simply unacceptable. I have faith that young engineers will be the pioneers of more efficient and ‘green’ technologies that may leave our planet in a more inhabitable state for generations to come. Ultimately, my aspiration is to become one these innovative engineers and I sincerely hope a degree from your University will be the supporting basis for this objective.



2017文书写作推荐信指导 含热门专业优质范文

