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英语留学推荐信范文10篇 英语留学推荐信范文(热门6篇)

日期:2024-10-14 18:04:29 / 人气:

你老师说的没错,这不是推托,而是真正认真负责! 确实有一些学校,特别是美国的学校,出于各种原因,有的对推荐信提出了具体内容和格式要求,有的甚至还设计了推荐表格,由推荐人填写,但其主要内容也和推荐信涉及的相同。

英语留学推荐信范文10篇 英语留学推荐信范文(热门6篇)

所以你还是了解清楚要申请的学校的要求后再联系老师为好。 大多数情况下,是学校只要求申请人提供二至三封推荐信,对格式没有具体要求。


有信头、发信日期、收信人姓名、称呼、正文、信尾谦称、签名、推荐人姓名、职称及工作单位等部分。但推荐信还应着重以下方面: 1.为了便于校方查阅,必须提到被推荐者的全名。

推荐者的身份不重要,当然你要是请院士来写也不错,但最关键是要说服招生委员会相信推荐人是真正了解被推荐人的。 2.必须交待与被推荐者的认识期间(何时开始认识或认识多久),认识程度(偶尔见面或密切接触)及关系(师生关系,上下级关系,同事等)。




4.必须表明推荐人的态度,是极力推荐还是有保留地推荐。 5.最好要求推荐人在信封封口处签名,以确保其真实性。

最好在“是否保留日后审阅推荐信的权利”一栏填“NO”。 6.最后别图省事,除非对方明文要求与申请一起寄。

否则推荐信应分开寄出。 下面是一个样例(理工科): To whom it may concern: In the capacity of professor at the Department of Economics who has instructed Ms. Janet Jackson in the course of International Economics during the academic year of 1991 to 1992, I am pleased to have this opportunity to introduce her to your prestigious MBA establishment. Janet was a stand-out student in my class. She received a very high score in my course and was ranked in the top ten percent of the class. In addition to being a professor, I am also a faculty advisor of the Department of Economics Student Council. It was in this capacity that I grew to know Janet even better. Although only teaching Janet for one course, I feel that I know her personality, personal attributes and attitudes through my contact with her outside of the classroom. Unlike most of her peers, Janet has demonstrated a great deal of independent thinking as a student at ABC University. For the courses in which she had a particular interest, she was fully devoted to excelling in those courses. I would go so far as to say that she was a perfectionist in this regard. Her only weakness is that in courses that she felt were less suited to her interests, she did not study has hard as she would perhaps have been able to do. I noticed that her performance was less than satisfactory in both statistics and calculus. This surprised me because Janet has strong quantitative skills as demonstrated in my international economics course. Her performance in this class was exceptional. Janet perhaps stands out most with regard to her extracurricular activities. She was a varsity table tennis team player all four years she was a student at ABC. She represented the university in a national collegiate table tennis tournament each year. In 1990, she received a silver medal in the women's singles tournament, and in 1991, she received fourth place in a women's doubles tournament. Janet was also a member of the university's debate team. As a freshman, she received the award for best debater in the intramural freshman debate cup. As I recall, she was also an editor of her department's journal. Janet has strong ***ytical, research and writing skills. I am very happy to see that Janet has had such a successful career development since her graduation from ABC. I believe that Janet will succeed in whatever endeavors she applies herself to and heartily recommend her to your university. Yours truly, JJerry Smith Professor==========补充说明:上面两位说的也是事实,美国的大学越来越不相信学生的托福成绩,也越来越不相信国内教授的推荐信。




Dear Colleagues:

MS. xx requested a letter of reference from me to support her application for graduate studies at your university. As her research adviser when she was a graduate student in my school of science xx University of Chemical Technology, I am pleased to comply with her request.

I have known Ms. Zhang since 2003, when she was admitted as a Master of Science candidate into the school. As her research adviser, I directed her research and found her a promising youth radiating with intelligence and creativity. During her first year, she got a very good record in major courses and earnd good scores major and general GPA . She particularly enjoyed challenging areas of studies such as Quantum Chemistry and Theory of Electrochemistry.

During the following two years, Ms. Zhang worked on a computational theory study of inorganic functional materials project for his degree thesis “Theoretical Study of Electronic Structures of Several Representative Metal Element in the Hydrotalcite Slabs”.

To make the theory model meet the actual materials, she faced down many practical problems, such as building reasonable module of inorganic materials, and calculation techniques. Working hard and independently, she cracked the problems one by one, and came up with a thesis that was characterized by academic excellence. During her . period, she had three papers published in international journals.

Judging by her outstanding performance while she studied with me, I am convinced that Ms. Zhang has acquired the knowledge and intellectual sophistication on the basis of which she can undertake world-class training. I therefore lend her my enthusiastic support and would appreciate your favorable consideration of her application.

your sincerely,xx

i am pleased to write this letter for my former student miss nan li, who graduated from this college with an . degree in june li was admitted to the department of law of this college in 1974 through highly competitive entrance examination which is conducted annually and is open to the whole nation. even in such a selective group.

miss li made herself distinguished. as professor and dean of the college, i have access to her records of academic work and moral cond uct, in her fourth year study, i instructed her in anglo-american laws on trespass. so i have known her quite well. miss li's performance, like that in many other courses she taken, was excellent with a superior grade of 86 for the first semester, and 84 for the second semester. in our university and in other university here, 80 is considered _a_ , the highest level.

as far as i know, miss li wishes to continue her study in law for an advanceddegree. i am sure she has had sufficient prerequisite knowledge for the subject and certainly has the ability to undertake the study. i recommend miss li without reservation and shall appreciate yourfavorable consideration of her application.

Internship Certificate

XXX, male, born on October 14th , 1990, has accomplished an internship in the Investment Promotion Agency of Ministry of Commerce, from July 10th, 2008 to September 12th, 2008. During his internship, he acted as the assistant of the director of the Project Development Department. His work resposibility includes the daily operation of the department's reception work , translation of the documents and external relations with the Economic offices of Foreign Embassies in China.

Contents of the internship:

July 17th, 2008, attended China-Japan-Korea Science & Technology Cooperation Forum on New and Renewable Energy, he prepared some background materials for the director.

August 11th, 2008, attended the Clean Energy Resource Forum held by Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, he mainly in charge of the translation work for relevant materials.

September 10th , 2008, Press conference of the World Innovation and Investment Promotion Platform in The Twelfth China International Fair for Investment & Trade held in Xiamen Fujian province, he participated in the inviting work for the foreign experts ,officials and representatives.


During the internship he put much effort into his work and study. He had been not only proficient at English,but also at thinking and solving problems and never hesitated asking senior co-workers when difficulties are met. The student also does well in putting academic theories into practice, guaranteeing the quality and quantity of the work done. At the same time, he adheres to the work regulations of CIPA, respects and gets along with others well, co-workers all speak highly to the student whose performance impressed both the department's leaders and colleagues.

Time: 12/15/2008

Signature of director:

Stamp of the Investment Promotion Agency of Ministry of Commerce, . China

英文留学自荐信范文尊敬的领导: 感谢您抽空垂阅我的自荐信! 本人XXX,男,1986年生于XXXXXX,从小就受到良好的家庭教育,而且在父母的言传身教下我很早就树立了自己正确的人生观和价值观,并懂得了如何在生活中磨炼自己。




此外我独立完成了学院科研项目《XXXXXX》,并获得专家教授的一致好评。 大一、大二暑假期间为了培养自己的能力,了解社会。


希望您能给我一次施展才能的机会,相信我定能胜任我的工作,为公司的发展作出我最大的贡献。Respected leaders: Thank you for your time reading my Zi Jianxin! I XXX, male, born in 1986 XXXXXX, who are well on family education, and parents in their words and deeds that I have set a very positive view of life and their values, and know how to live in their own temper. On the X XXXX XXXXXXXXX I was taking, and to choose a suitable learning international economic and trade professionals. I have been studying hard, diligent study, in four years, the academy has given me a full-chi of the United States Educational, Scientific arrangements for the international trade, international business management, financial accounting, international settlement, marketing, and so on. Complete a full course of the four-year period and smoothly through the computer two countries, such as grade four English examination. On the needs of the community and corporate talent requirements. In order to temper themselves, all services in the college, I actively joined the Union College group, and served as a squad leader post. In the squad, as a result of my active work, study hard, for the team made their contributions, and achieved certain results, respectively in the May 4 Pingyou Pingyou semester and be rated as _excellent students._ In addition, I completed an independent research institutions, _XXXXXX_, and access to experts and professors of the acclaim. Freshman, sophomore during the summer vacation in order to develop their own capacity to understand the community. In the _XXX_ in the magazine's contributors, the editorial department received the unanimous praise. After the century literature, such as literature Huanjianshumeng site in the station to write text, which _XXXX,_ it was nearly 30,000 times clicked on. As a military academy where students I open person Qifenhaohua, optimism, self-confidence, a strong sense of responsibility; accept strong, have a strong collective sense of honor and self-motivated. Happy to live with the people, and people around the living together harmoniously, with groups in the spirit of human integrity, work responsibilities seriously, to hard-working, have strict shortcomings are character impatient. I hope you will give me a chance to display, I believe I will rise to the work of the company's development of my biggest contribution. ok!!。






推荐信的核心 1:老师推荐信应该和申请人的学业成绩和学术能力紧密相关,应注意与所申请专业的结合。如申请管理类课程,勿用大量篇幅描写辅修计算机的成绩,反之亦然;雇主推荐信应该和申请人工作业绩及在工作期间表现出的能力相关。


总之,要详略得当。 推荐信的核心 2:推荐信在提出申请人优点时,应避免泛泛而谈,最好附以具体事例,当然有数据支持更有说服力。

如:排名10/200 (200人中前10名), 多少天完成实验,成功率如何。另外:推荐教师如为论文或毕业设计指导教师, 可提及论文或毕设大致情况,来说明被推荐人的研究或实践能力。

推荐信的有益补充:申请人其他方面的优点,如团队精神,开朗性格、品质、对科学研究的执着等也可简单提及作为补充内容;申请人其他方面的能力,如个性,品质及其他方面的能力也可提及作为补充内容, 但不宜占用过多篇幅。 推荐信的篇幅:一般英文成稿约 300 – 400字。

推荐信写作两大败笔: 写成类似中国老师给学生写的评语,每个人都适用。面面俱到,详略不当也是不可取的。

