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BullionVault 的金价走势图

日期:2023-08-23 18:22:38 / 人气:

图表是专业批发市场内现货价格的实时反映。而此类市场在周末和公共假日关闭。但 BullionVault 照常营业。让您可以全天24小时进行交易,全年无休。
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可以。BullionVault 为全球私人投资者提供访问专业黄金,白银,铂金和钯金市场的平台。



对于私人投资者,只有 BullionVault 可以让您直接访问该交易点差,让您可以使用我们的实时 交易看板进行交易。

您可以用最好的价格买卖存放黄金,购买的重量可以从一克起,让您轻松开始黄金购买存储并从中获利。您还可使用我们的 成本计算器 来计算交易佣金及存储费用。

黄金价格将会在每个工作天的伦敦时间下午三点公布 (白银价格则会在中午时分,铂金和钯金价格会在下午两点)。如要以当天定价交易黄金,请在伦敦时间下午 2:35 前提交订单 (交易白银请在伦敦时间早上 11:45 前提交订单,交易铂金和钯金请在伦敦时间中午1:35前提交订单)。
可以。您可以在 每日价格 页面中简单执行购买和卖出。只需要告诉我们您想要进行多少钱的交易,我们将会为您进行买卖。
买卖中无论是购买实物黄金还是售出获得资金,都将需要 2 个工作天。如果是购买黄金,所需资金将仍会在您的账户中,但会被设置于预留状态,直到金银实际结算才会从账户中扣除。如果是售出黄金,所售出的黄金也会在您的账户中预留,直到您的账户收到资金,这些黄金才会从账户中扣除。通常需要两个工作天。
每日定盘价是以每盎司的美元,欧元和英镑金价作为公布价格 (1金衡制盎司=0.0311034768 千克)。在 BullionVault 您将以千克作为购买单位。我们将会把公布的盎司金价转换成最接近的美元,欧元和英镑千克金价。无论是购买还是销售的价格都是以相同的价格进行,买卖间没有差价。
在 BullionVault 的 黄金新闻 页面每天都会发表关于探索黄金市场以及黄金与金融市场关系的文章。 此外,当您开设了一个 BullionVault 账户后,您可以选择接受我们的 每日市场新闻(仅提供英文版电邮)。这份每日邮件将会探索和讨论当前的金银价格,铂金价格和钯金价格的变动以及背后的原因。
BullionVault 现在是世界最大网上黄金,白银,铂金和钯金投资服务商,目前拥有20亿美元和超过 33 用户。
是的。您可以将走势图中设置10分钟,一小时,六小时或一天这样较为短的时间段,就可以监控在短时间内的金价变化。您也可以在您的 iPhoneAndroid 手机中的 BullionVault 应用程序中随时查看最新的即时金价。

The price of gold can change by the second, led by investment supply and demand as well as by changes in other markets (commodities, stocks or bonds) and also the currency that the investor wishes to use to buy their gold. Currently, the spot price for 1 ounce of gold is

However, it's possible to track the real-time changing price of gold, plus daily, weekly, monthly and yearly gold price trends using BullionVault's live gold price chart.

The price of gold can change by the second, led by investment supply and demand as well as by changes in other markets (commodities, stocks or bonds) and also the currency that the investor wishes to use to buy their gold. Currently, the spot price for 1kg of gold in the UK is

However, it's possible to track the real-time changing price of gold, plus daily, weekly, monthly and yearly gold price trends using BullionVault's live gold price chart.

Whatever the outlook, choosing to buy gold for investment can make a good idea for spreading risk across a balanced portfolio. That's because the value of gold bullion has, in the past, tended to increase when other investment assets fall over long periods of time. More active traders can also try to time their buying and selling using this live gold price chart.

Historical trends show that investing in gold has made a good if imperfect hedge against poor performance from currencies, shares, bonds and real estate. The idea is to reduce overall losses by using gold to diversify the portfolio's investments across time.

When investing in gold as a way to spread risk, its a good idea to think about costs, security and simplicity. BullionVault addresses these issues to make buying gold cheaper, safer and easier.

Gold priced in US Dollars rose above $2000 per ounce for the first time in August 2020, jumping as the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent global economic crisis drove investors to seek safety in physical bullion. Gold then regained that level, and also set fresh all-time records in Euros, UK Pounds, Japanese Yen and most other major currencies during the Russian invasion of Ukraine starting in late-February 2022.

Gold bullion is traditionally seen as an insurance policy during economic, financial and even social uncertainty. Historical trends show that investing in gold has made a good if imperfect hedge against poor price performance from currencies, shares, bonds and real estate.

Track the changing price of gold, as well as historic trends, using BullionVault's live gold price chart above.

The future price of gold is difficult to predict, as bullion prices can fluctuate by the second, let alone from year to year.

However, it's possible to view historic and real-time prices using BullionVault's gold price chart above. Looking at the 20-year view, you can see that gold prices reached all-time highs in the US Dollar, Sterling and Euro, in July 2020.

Track the changing price of gold, as well as historic trends, using BullionVault's live gold price chart above.

The price of gold can change by the second, led by investment supply and demand as well as by changes in other markets (commodities, stocks or bonds) and also the currency that the investor wishes to use to buy their gold. Currently, the spot price for 1 gram of gold in the UK is .

However, it's possible to track the real-time changing price of gold in grams, plus daily, weekly, monthly and yearly gold price trends using BullionVault's live gold price chart.
